The Walthers Cornerstone 3-Stall Modern Roundhouse Addition enlarges the hallmark of steam-era railroading on your HO layout - the 3-Stall Modern Roundhouse. If you model the diesel era you'll also find this kit to be a centerpiece of your servicing facility since some of these classics are still used today for servicing diesels.
No matter the weather, workers could easily inspect and service locos under cover. Size was based on the number of engines coming and going in any 24-hour period, with the busiest terminals requiring full-circle roundhouses. This add-on kit includes three stalls on 10-degree center without side walls so you can make an addition to your Modern Roundhouse. For more realism, interior and exterior brick wall details, fine windows, floor inspection pits and much more are all standard. Locos up to 125 scale feet long fit easily inside and parts for a single 145 foot long stall are also included as many modern roundhouses were expanded to handle large locos like Mallets. If you need more than three stalls to house your steam fleet, the 3-Stall Modern Roundhouse Addition makes expanding the Modern Roundhouse (933-2900, sold separately) easy.
Though engines started getting bigger early in the 20th century, no one could foresee the monsters that were in regular service by the 1940s. These locos required equally large servicing areas, so some roads simply added and extended a few roundhouse stalls to handle them. This conversion kit adds three matching stalls to the Modern Roundhouse (933-2900, sold separately). With additional kits, you can expand the basic building to any size your railroad requires. Engines up to 125' fit easily inside, and parts to build a single 145' long stall are included - big enough to hold a Big Boy.
Model a complete engine terminal scene with related Cornerstone HO Scale railroad buildings.
The basic Modern Roundhouse measures 17-3/4" (20-1/8" with extended stall) x 16 x 5-1/2" 44.3 (50.3) x 40 x 13.7cm. The add-on stalls will enlarge it.